Event Details

The Khayelitsha/Mitchells Plain chapter invites you to a webinar on an overview of Intellectual Property (IP) and how it may be used to protect your ideas

Outline of the session:

Intellectual Property is a key asset in any business. The way that businesses operate is continuously evolving and it emerges that a key asset for a business is intellectual assets, including intellectual property. Many businesses have however not considered all the types of intellectual property that they may have, and as a result the value of this intellectual property is not appreciated.

This presentation aims to provide an overview of all of the different types of intellectual property that might exist in a business and to educate entrepreneurs on how to successfully leverage their intellectual property to increase revenue and add value to their business.

Guest Speaker Profile:

Dr Joanne van Harmelen is the head of the biotechnology and life sciences cluster in ENSafrica's intellectual property ("IP") department. She holds a Ph.D. in medical microbiology and vaccine development and is a qualified patent attorney, specialising in the biotech, chemical and pharmaceutical sectors.

Her expertise extends to the assessment of the patentability of inventions, preparation and filing of patent applications locally and abroad, the performance of freedom-to-operate assessments, general IP commercial transactional advice and IP due diligence assessments. She also advises on IP and biotech-related legislation, in particular, legislation relating to publicly-financed research and development; bioprospecting involving indigenous biological resources and traditional knowledge; and genetically modified organisms.

Joanne is recognised as a leading/recommended lawyer by:

  • The Legal 500 EMEA 2021, 2018, 2017, 2016 โ€“ Intellectual Property (South Africa)
  • Best Lawyersยฎ 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 โ€“ Healthcare (South Africa)
  • Managing IP: IP Stars Handbook 2016 - 2020 โ€“ Patents (South Africa)
  • IAM Patent 1000: 2016 - 2020 โ€“ Prosecutions (South Africa)
  • IAM Global Leaders โ€“ 2021 (South Africa)

Please join us for an educational talk.

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  • Joanne van Harmelen (Head: Biotechnology & Life Sciences Cluster at Ensafrica)

    Joanne van Harmelen

    Head: Biotechnology & Life Sciences Cluster at Ensafrica


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