Event Details

The Employment Equity Amendment Act is at the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) and will be signed into law in Q1 of 2022. All current EE plans will fall away on 1 October 2022 and the new 5 year plans based on Ministerial Targets per sector will start. The implications of this are massive across the employment lifecycle, the ability to tender as well as to be verified in respect of the management control element of the BBBEE scorecard

Course Outline

  • Specific amendments include:
  • Definition of people with disabilities
  • Sectoral targets and the impact of these on compliance and state tenders
  • The composition of the EE Committee
  • The inclusion of sector targets in the EE Plan
  • The impact of not meeting sectoral targets on compliance
  • The issuing of a certificate of compliance and the impact of sectoral targets, unfair discrimination and minimum wages on this.
  • The above amendments will require potential re-constituting the employment equity committee, amendment of policies and procedures, the re-evaluation of numerical targets and goals as well as new efforts to identify people with disabilities.

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  • John Botha (COO at Global Business Solutions)

    John Botha

    COO at Global Business Solutions

  • Thembi Ghagonda (Joint CEO of Global Business Solutions)

    Thembi Ghagonda

    Joint CEO of Global Business Solutions


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