Event Details

Typical paradoxes existing within an organisation are working at the office versus remotely, centralisation versus decentralisation, increasing versus decreasing the product range, growing versus consolidating the business, focusing on a team versus the individual, exercising more control or allowing more freedom, stabilising versus changing things, and many more.

This workshop will introduce the notion of Paradox Management Matrix, which aims to show the power of using a simple, yet holistic, synergistic view on these company paradoxical problems.

The Paradox Management Matrix will assist you with strategic and operational decision making and be able to use a holistic approach to apply preventative management to the solutions. This is quite a remarkable tool!

The Paradox Management Matrix will assist every business owner and manager to think differently about solutions applied in the business as well as personal lives.

Some take aways from the workshop:

  • A simple framework to use in decision making
  • Some examples to learn from and apply in your organisation
  • A realisation that black and white solutions could be enhanced by a holistic framework.
  • Strategic, operational and personal decisions are made with a more balanced view.
  • A framework that enhances intuition and experience.
  • Less conflict as solutions are discussed through a framework.
  • Neutralisation of the "loudmouth" or expressive opinionist.

More about the workshop facilitator, Jan Erasmus

During his MBA studies, Jan was awarded the prize for best student for Operations and Project Management. Ever since then, as the owner of Authentic Consulting, Jan has assisted many companies in implementing Operational Excellence methodologies with the aim to improve profitability, productivity, quality, turnaround time and safety, through a highly engaged workforce. Productivity is severly hampered by decision making and solving problems, hence the focus on advanced problem solving. As a continuous business improvement advisor, he assists organisations to unlock potential vested in under-utilised capacity, disengaged people and quality of product and service attitude. Having worked across multi industry sectors in South Africa and abroad, has broadened his skillset and experience.

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  • Jan Erasmus (Director of Authentic Consulting)

    Jan Erasmus

    Director of Authentic Consulting


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