Event Details

Inspiration. Engagement. Culture. These are words that we hear frequently but often never see the true value of.

The Cape Chamber's Innovation and Digital Portfolio Committee is privileged to announce that Ms Helรฉne Smuts, the Founder of Credo Growth will be at our next meeting via your zoom desk and invites you to engage with her.

Helรฉne is a global facilitator as well as a keynote speaker with a passion for developing high performing teams. She has more than 15 years' experience, working with clients and audiences across five continents creating guiding actions.

Key outcomes of the session:

  • To identify what you can do to ensure motivation is everyone's responsibility in your organisation
  • Get actionable information to increase your own level of motivation to support your team members
  • Understand our psychological appetites

The ever-changing landscape of business and interactivity has spoilt us for choice and in many ways kept, us distracted from investing in the core fundamentals that actually drive progress within our organisations.

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  • Helรฉne Smuts (Founder of Credo Growth)

    Heléne Smuts

    Founder of Credo Growth


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