Event Details

Health and Safety in the workplace is a broad topic that stretches across every industry and covers every scenario of employment. The Occupational Health and Safety Act is the current guide used to give direction to employers as to how to maintain a practical work environment that is safe and without risk to the health of employees.

The spaces we work in on a day-to-day bases have many health and safety control measures such as:

  • Fire extinguishers and fire signage in the event of a fire
  • First Aid (box and appointed officer) in the event of an accident
  • Access control for security and fire control measures to bypass access control in the event of a fire
  • Safe drinking water

However most importantly, staff need to be informed of all of these measures, what they mean, and how to take responsibility for implementation of the measures. Regular and repetitive training is essential and it is a team effort, not the employee or the employers sole job to enforce.

Everyone needs to know:

  • What do in the event of a fire
  • Whom to call if someone collapses
  • How to switch a machine off if someone's finger gets stuck in it

In addition, most importantly, we need to realise the severity of enforcing it together. Many incidents are caused by workforce horseplay or taking items for granted.

Someone getting hurt at the workplace, should be a last resort of something we cannot control.

Facilitator Bio:

Raghmah Solomon โ€“ founder, director and pioneer behind Vortex Design Solutions โ€“ is breaking industry barriers by creating a dynamic, full service, female-led Architectural Interior Design company.

She began her career journey at CPUT by obtaining her Bachelor of Technology in interior design. After gaining eight years' experience in the Architectural Interior Design industry, she had learnt every part of the construction process in exquisite detail and was ready to start Vortex Design Solutions in 2015.

For her knowing that she has helped even one person to become a better version of themselves is what she thrives on.

  • When she is not building a better world one person at a time, Raghmah enjoys taking time aside to quietly reflect on the elements of her life that she is most grateful for, such as her adoring husband, strong sense of faith and resilient spirit.


  • Raghmah Solomon (Founder and Director of Vortex Design Solutions)

    Raghmah Solomon

    Founder and Director of Vortex Design Solutions



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