Event Details

People Management is not an easy task, now, leading a team virtually calls for a completely new approach and set of skills.

In this workshop we will learn about:

  • What does a "Virtual Team" mean ?
  • How strong are your relationships with your Virtual team and how that affects remote communication?
  • How to be predictable.
  • How to be objective and a problem solver.
  • How to give your team the attention they need.
  • Understanding the limitations of the technology.
  • Staying people focused.

Facilitator Bio:

My company is called RLActive and prior to starting this venture I spent the last 15 years travelling around the globe and running virtual teams across 4 continents. Throughout my corporate career, strategy and strategy execution was part and parcel of the quarterly meetings. Then towards the end of the financial year strategy went out the window and "making the numbers" was the main focus.

However, there was always a gap in the execution part. Also when things changed or went wrong (as they normally do) there was never a "revisit" of the strategy to change tack to suit the new circumstances.

The question that came to my mind was: "With all the information available on Strategy Formulation and Strategy Execution, WHY is there still such a huge gap between the two?"

Two main reasons came to mind:

  • The people involved in the strategy process are not sufficiently empowered and/or skilled;
  • The tools available to formulate and execute a strategy are not intuitive enough to quickly modify the strategy.

So utilising all my experience and knowledge I developed a methodology to ensure that the strategy formulation process was as simple as possible. Then I developed an online platform for the strategy toolset so that small businesses could access their strategy, change things on the fly and monitor their progress via an app on their phone.

Integrating the strategy formulation process with an online platform is the perfect way in which I can help small businesses address all their strategy / business / action plans issues in one solution


  • Richard Roberts (Owner at RLActive (Pty) Ltd)

    Richard Roberts

    Owner at RLActive (Pty) Ltd



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