Event Details

Learn how to improve productivity and engagement using effective delegation techniques.

Managers and leaders are often reluctant to delegate as many believe in the old adage that says: "If you want something right, you must do it yourself." Although this may be true in a handful of cases, a core component of leadership is getting work done through others.

If you set yourself up as the expert, the only one who can do certain tasks, the pressure to deliver will stay with you and you team will remain un-empowered.

The key to delegating effectively is understanding how to adapt your leadership style with different team members so that you can build skills within your team and create a positive, engaged culture.

You will hear about:

1. How using a adaptable leadership style builds the right environment for delegation

2. Adapting your leadership style to development levels of different staff

3. Balancing supportive and directive behaviours to delegate effectively

4. The delegation continuum and the factors to consider when delegating (including skills practices)

Target audience:

All Managers of staff


  • Marion Stone (Cornerstone Connections)

    Marion Stone

    Cornerstone Connections


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