Event Details
Business and Industry Associations can have significant influences on corporate sustainability.
The Cape Chamber's Innovation and Digital Portfolio Committee is privileged to announce that a panel of experts will join Mr Eric Leong Son, Group Head of Sustainability for Distell, at our next session via your zoom desk.
The webinar will cover:
- Insight and Value around Sustainable Innovations
- What can be expected next?
- What are the Innovations related to Sustainability that can help companies manage this?
- A Distell Case-Study
Eric is an Industrial Engineer (WITS) by training, fluent in French and Mandarin, and also holds a post grad in Advanced Marketing. His 27-year professional career includes senior positions and value delivery in supply chain, procurement, trade facilitation, strategic partnerships, sustainability Integration and business transformation programs in emerging markets, mainly within Africa and China.
Nichole Solomons is an experienced sustainability and CSR champion with a demonstrated history of working in the private sector and civil society.
Dr Jess Schulschenk is the Director of the Sustainability Institute - a professional with a PhD in Business Administration, focussing on corporate strategy and sustainability from the UCT Graduate School of Business.
Please join us for an informative Webinar!
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