Event Details

It is really difficult to be a woman in today's world.

The pressure is relentless and unforgiving. Women are expected to be the perfect wife, mother and home maker, to be actively involved in their communities, all the while, excelling in their careers. We are judged all the time โ€“ whether we are single or in a partnership, whether we are career women, or stay at home moms.

We are judged for being working mothers, we are judged for not having children or not wanting children. However at times, we are the ones doing the judging- we are the ones that judge other women and sadly, sometimes we are the ones excluding other women from having a seat at the table.

In this webinar we will look at the plethora of challenges women face because of societal and cultural expectations and our own insecurities. In understanding these challenges, we will look at how we (women) can continually support and raise each other up.

Some of the things I will be going through include:

  • Unconscious bias
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Maternity Penalty
  • Toxic Masculinity and Femininity
  • Being the difference

Tani is a seasoned HR Advisor with a career spanning over 20 years in mining, exploration, online marketing and financial services. She provides an HR advisory service that covers the full spectrum of the human resource lifecycle and creates environments that balance legal requirements, business functionality and company culture. She holds Bachelor of Arts, Honours Social Science and Master's in Commerce (Industrial Relations โ€“ Cum Laude) Degrees from the then University of Natal in Durban, South Africa. She also holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management.

Tani successfully combines a sound theoretical background with solid practical experience and specializes in leadership and management development and in the building of key leadership skills required to flourish in today's working world. Tani works with both individuals and teams to create alignment towards organisational goals and strategic vision. Her fields of specialisation includes:

  • Human Capital Consulting
  • Policy Formulation
  • Team Building
  • Leadership and Management Development
  • Career Development & Progression
  • Conflict Management and Mediation
  • Coaching - Executive, Business and Life
  • Workshop Facilitation
  • Organisational Restructuring
  • Creating Strong, Business Focused Teams
  • The Future of Work

As CEO and Owner of Human Capital Matters (HCM), an HR consulting firm based in the southern suburbs of Cape Town, she specialises in end-to-end human resources consulting and solutions tailor made towards customer specific needs. She recently launched the HCM Academy, the learning arm of her business. The academy is the vehicle by which she transfers her years of experience, passion, real life examples of both triumph and failure into developing leadership talent. She is an executive and leadership coach, a content developer and instructor on the Udemy, Skillshare and Conference Speakers portals and develops and presents digital courses and webinars.

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  • Tani Amarasinghe Moodley (Human Capital Matters)

    Tani Amarasinghe Moodley

    Human Capital Matters


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