Event Details

Every industry will be impacted by the changes as the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) grows.

The Cape Chamber's Human Resources Portfolio Committee is honoured to host Dr Bernie Fanaroff.

Dr Fanaroff has been appointed to the Presidential Commission on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, he is a Board member at Cornerstone Institute and also the former Director of the acclaimed Square Kilometre Array (SKA) South Africa Project.

Dr Fanaroff's contributions to science and society continues to be recognized on a global scale. He has been awarded honorary Doctorates from seven South African Universities, received an award for science diplomacy from Minister Naledi Pandor, and was named Ambassador of the Year by the Cape Chamber of Business and Die Burger in 2012.

Dr Fanaroff's keynote presentation will provide insights into:

  • The role of the Presidential Commission
  • Revelant policies, strategies and ambitious tasks that will position South Africa as a competitive global player
  • The opportunities presented by the digital industrial revolution (how can a business organisation such as the Cape Chamber identify the opportunities in industrialisation, the new tools of work, the technologies needed?)
  • Unemployed youth (how can a business organisation such as the Cape Chamber make use of the new skills?)
  • The future fit workforce

South Africa is battling with unskilled labour and unemployment, we cannot be inactive, it is time to create dialogue and engage, this is a session not be missed!

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  • Dr Bernie Fanaroff (Presidential Commission on the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Board Member, Cornerstone Institute; advisor to the Minister for Trade Industry and Competition; advisor to the Director of the SA Radio Astronomy Observatory)

    Dr Bernie Fanaroff

    Presidential Commission on the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Board Member, Cornerstone Institute; advisor to the Minister for Trade Industry and Competition; advisor to the Director of the SA Radio Astronomy Observatory


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