Event Details

MTN and the Cape Chamber are proud to bring you an in person breakfast networking event that promises to inspire, uplift and energize your entrepreneurial spirit!

Join us at the Century City Convention Center for a sunrise breakfast, keynote address on how to sustainably grow a business in the context of South Africa's own macro and micro economic conditions as well as an expert panel discussion and the opportunity to network with fellow businesses.

As the proverbial saying goes, the early bird catchesโ€ฆ. well, you know the rest!

For this event, we only have 50 early bird tickets available, so to catch an incredible talk and spades of inspiration from our guest speaker, Lindile Xoko, book now!

This event is targeted at SME business owners. Please register as soon as possible to avoid disappointment as seats are very limited

Guest Speaker Profile

Lindile Xoko has an MBA with Merit from the University of Birmingham, UK.

He is currently completing an Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies course through Harvard Business School and has 24 years of entrepreneurship experience.

He has led businesses in South Africa, UK, France, Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Germany and the greater EMEA, with a successful track record in growth, strategy, sales, channel development & acceleration, project management, transformation and business development.

After many years spent honing his formula of success in business, Lindile decided to share his insights in The Young Entrepreneur's Playbook. He is passionate about empowering women and the youth through entrepreneurship, education and technology.

Should you not be able to secure a seat, do not worry - we look forward to hosting you at future collaborative events.


  • Lindile Xoko

    Lindile Xoko



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