Event Details

Disability faces enormous challenges in finding employment. Skills Development provides an ideal opportunity for the disabled to bridge the educational gap. We celebrate the success and achievements of projects for persons with disabilities in learnerships that provide them with the necessary qualifications and experience for gainful employment. The SETAs and NSF have been funding learnerships for persons with disabilities enabling this reality.

Epilepsy South Africa - Western Cape Branch is a non-profit organisation that has done numerous learnership with Services SETA. We are celebrating various projects Epilepsy SA Western Cape Branch undertaken in entrepreneurship, administration, and commercial cleaning.

Altitude Skills Development is a learnership management company specialising in learnerships for persons with disabilities. Some of their projects are in the Transport Sector where they demonstrated that learners with severe intellectual disabilities achieved an NQF 1 qualification.

This summit will focus on these success stories showing that the "Disabled are Abled".

Please join us for an invaluable and educational virtual summit.

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  • Shanaaz Abdol (Altitude Skills Development)

    Shanaaz Abdol

    Altitude Skills Development

  • Rustim Ariefdien (Founder of R Ariefdien Consultants)

    Rustim Ariefdien

    Founder of R Ariefdien Consultants

  • Marius Erasmus (Director of JobAbled)

    Marius Erasmus

    Director of JobAbled

  • Gubela Mji (Chairperson at Afrinead)

    Gubela Mji

    Chairperson at Afrinead

  • Wendy Nefdt (Director of Epilepsy South Africa)

    Wendy Nefdt

    Director of Epilepsy South Africa


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