Event Details

Transforming workplaces to be diverse and inclusive may be daunting for many organisations.

The Cape Chamber's Human Resources Portfolio Committee is excited to announce that Dr Ameeta Jaga, Associate Professor of Organisational Psychology at the University of Cape Town will join us on our next webinar.

A mom of two, registered Industrial Psychologist with the HPCSA and Associate Professor of Organisational Psychology in the School of Management Studies at the University of Cape Town, Dr Jaga's research focuses on the work-family interface relating to culture, race, class and gender.

Dr Jaga more recently uses southern theory to prioritise context in work-family research while underlining global inequalities in knowledge production.

  • The Webinar will cover;Why an urgency to invest in Diversity and Inclusion at work now.
  • Why diversity training at work often fails
  • What is our role as HR practitioners and business owners in creating a more equitable workplace and society
  • Becoming an inclusive leader

Please join this valuable session as we delve into a topical subject!

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  • Dr Ameeta Jaga (Associate Professor Organisational Psychology at University of Cape Town)

    Dr Ameeta Jaga

    Associate Professor Organisational Psychology at University of Cape Town


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