Event Details

Knowing how to work with the numbers in a company's financial statements is an essential skill. The meaningful interpretation and analysis of balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements to discern a company's investment qualities is the basis for smart investment choices.

Financial statements also provide a snapshot of a corporation's financial health, giving insight into its performance, operations, and cash flow. Financial statements are essential since they provide information about a company's revenue, expenses, profitability, and debt.

Content Discussed:

  • Overview on Reading Annual Financial Statements
  • Information disclosed on Annual Financial Statements
  • Level of Assurance: Compilations, Reviews and Audits - What are the key differences?
  • Statement of Financial Position
  • Statement of Comprehensive Income
  • Statement of Changes in Equity
  • Statement of Cash Flows
  • Notes to the Financial Statements
  • Accounting Policies
  • Income Tax Computation
  • Ratio analysis โ€“ key financial indicators

Session 2: Company Tax Calculations - Webinar

Session 3: Capital Gains Tax Advanced - Webinar

Session 4: Company Tax Submissions - Webinar

Session 5: Business Valuation for Beginners - Webinar

Note: If you're unable to attend the live webinar on the scheduled date, you can still book and pay for the webinar โ€“ the course notes and a copy of the recording will be provided for self-study in your own time.

Please note that this link is unique to you. Transferring this link to another user is an infringement of copyright. If you have subscribed to a course, the cost is per delegate, not per screen.


  • Daniel Van Tonder (Biz Facility)

    Daniel Van Tonder

    Biz Facility


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Member Price R 1 375

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Standard Price R 650
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Standard Price R 1 725