Event Details

Employers are emerging from a very contagious 4th wave and may well be facing a 5th wave in May and June this year, along with other disruptions such as cyber attacks, potential unrest as well as the new laws regarding foreign nationals. Employers need to create certainty in an uncertain environment by understanding the required labour relations practices in key areas, the current practices being used and then the labour relations deficit. In addition, they need to refresh the technical foundation of their labour law understanding and how the Commissioners and Judges are interpreting same. The "why, what and how" will be covered and value-adding templates, policies and practices that complement a day well spent, will be shared with delegates.

Be part of the discussion on recent Court and CCMA decisions that can benefit your organisation by ensuring that you learn from the mistakes and successes of other employers. The following are some of the topics that will be covered:

  • BBBEE status on JSE and BEE Commission-based statistics
  • Gender inequality
  • EE Amendment Act addressing Ministerial Targets, Equal pay for work of equal value and Certificates of Conduct as well as the expansion of the disability definition
  • The Draft Code of Good practice on Harassment and a free draft policy
  • Compensation for occupational injuries and diseases Amendment Act updates
  • Cybercrimes Act and policy impact
  • The Employment Services Amendment Act impacting the employment of foreign nationals
  • The National Labour migration plan
  • POPI โ€“ no more hand-holding
  • AARTO โ€“ but when?
  • Much more

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  • Jonathan Goldberg (Joint CEO of Global Business Solutions)

    Jonathan Goldberg

    Joint CEO of Global Business Solutions

    Jonathan Goldberg is the Joint CEO of Global Business Solutions and has been a business leader in the changing labour law landscape over the past twenty years, heading negotiations at plant, industry and NEDLAC levels and assisting clients to navigate the dynamic regulatory environment.

    Jonathan is a sought after advisor and speaker, leading from the front in social partner negotiations as well as business strategies. Several of the key roles he fulfils include being a Commissioner on the National Minimum Wage Commission, the Labour Market Convenor at NEDLAC for business as well as a representative on the Employment Services Board. He is a chartered director of the Institute of Directors South Africa

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