Event Details

Writing is a key method of communication for most business people, and yet it is one that many people struggle with.

To open, or not to open?"

"To respond, or not to respond?"

These are questions everyone asks themselves when they receive a sales email - so, how do you get your sales email recipients to open and respond?


This workshop will give participants a refresher on basic business writing concepts and most importantly they will learn about the sales email and proposal techniques that are proving to be most successful when engaging with prospects, clients and customers.


  • Review of the basics
  • Review of common business documents
  • Sales E-mails: Understanding and the 'How To'
  • Sales Proposals: The 'How to'

Facilitator profile: Michรจle Jones

Michรจle has had more than two decades of business leadership and management experience across a variety of industries and has first-hand knowledge of Business Strategy Development, Sales and Marketing, Client Service Management and Business Training.

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  • Michele Jones (Biz Growth Unlimited)

    Michele Jones

    Biz Growth Unlimited



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Member Price R 310

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