Event Details

The Athlone and Cape Flats Chapter invites you to a webinar on Self-Employment - the Real Solution to Unemployment with our guest speaker Ronald Bownes, Founder of DreamXchange.

Ronald will share the role DreamXchange is playing to facilitate and support the exchange of opportunities for self-employed people in the Gig economy. He will also discuss how the Gig economy has opened up a greater variety of opportunities to economically empower oneself as an alternative to the old-style linear thinking of the one job pathway.

He will further share some of the platform's key functions that will help the user to expand their economic possibilities.

Guest Speaker Profile:

DreamXchange is the brainchild of Ronald Bownes, who has been in the space of helping the unemployed since 2008 when he and his wife Tania co-founded their NGO/PBO, DreamWorker. While DreamWorker was all about helping people into traditional jobs, Bownes realised that a radical change in how they approached unemployment in South Africa was needed.

Please join us for an educational webinar.

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  • Ronald Bownes (Founder of DreamXchange)

    Ronald Bownes

    Founder of DreamXchange


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