Event Details

Balancing the needs of employers to create and maintain a healthy and safe environment against the freedom of choice and bodily integrity of employees is something that has been debated since the introduction of vaccines and the application of the rollout process.

The incorrect implementation of mandatory vaccinations to safeguard the health of all employees as a duty for employers has sparked intense discussion amongst all parties to the employment relationship. Many employers have been grappling with this process as many staff members are refusing the vaccination (rightfully so, according to their freedom of choice, bodily integrity and religious convictions). However employers are within their right to require all their employees to be vaccinated in the interests of safety of all staff, clients and customers.

Mr Esau's keynote presentation will provide insights into:

  • Recent rulings in the Con Court on right of admission to employer premises as it relates to the unvaccinated.
  • Any recent developments.

If you are still unsure on how to approach this matter then this is a session that you do not want to miss!

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  • DE

    David Esau

    Western Cape Department of Employment & Labour


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